The July, 2014, segment of Denver’s premier social media for business Meetup focused on How to Generate Positive Online Reviews. The discussion started off with, when is the best time to generate positive reviews? Within the same day? Week? Month? Participants shared how they had ‘meant’ to leave a positive review and just never got around to it. One person pointed out that it was nearly a month later before they received an email asking about how service was, when they finally remembered that it was great, and then went to leave a review. Post-transaction follow-up, or right after the service, is the best time to request a positive review. Another benefit of asking a customer to leave a review immediately after service, is that it allows for them to share with you if they had a negative experience, and you can immediately resolve the issue instead of letting it linger.
So, while you’re reading this blog post, why not swing over to the Social Marketing for Business Group Reviews Section and leave us a review on your experience with one of the Meetups you have attended. Please join us next month for our Meetup to discuss Hiring and Getting Hired. Discover not only how to hire new employees, or potentially gain a new job, but also on how to gain business. Discover how companies use social media to win – and lose – business. In addition to breakfast treats from My Favorite Muffin and Peet’s Coffee SouthGlenn and the inviting warmth of the
South Metro Denver Chamber, standard fare at Social Marketing for Business – Join the Conversation! includes Tips Groups, in which members separate into smaller groups focused on individual Internet social networks Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Google+ and YouTube. Those tips are shared with the group and going forward, will be included in an online database of social media marketing tips.
How to use this Information Remember, while developing your social media marketing strategy, to keep up on new marketing trends, development and launches within the field. Knowing what to plan and prepare for will greatly help you stay ahead of the curve in social media. Here at Webolutions, we take this into consideration with every client and develop a unique content marketing strategy that is custom tailored to each client’s needs. To learn more about content marketing and how it can work with your internal marketing plan, call Webolutions at 303-300-2640.