Webolutions Digital Marketing Agency Insight
We work with our clients at Webolutions to develop a unique and engaging customer experience that will set them apart from their competition. This focus on experience marketing elevates our clients’ messages beyond more common commodity, product and service messages.
A tagline or slogan can be a powerful marketing asset when it concisely conveys the experience of doing business with your brand. Here are some examples of current taglines in the marketplace:
“It’s Amazing What Soup Can Do.” (Campbell’s Soup). This tagline tries to mix experience (amazing) with product (soup) but misses the mark because it’s too vague. Can soup do my taxes? Can soup win the Boston Marathon? How about making soup that tastes amazing? While a taste focused message would be a step down into a product message, it would have more impact than the current slogan.
“Whole Foods, Whole People, Whole Planet.”(Whole Foods).This tagline from Whole Foods focuses on a bigger vision beyond the fruits, veggies and other health food products available for purchase in their stores. Whole Foods does a great job of living this brand through its efforts in food sourcing, support of local farmers and creating a list of unacceptable ingredients for products it will carry in stores. The majority of its website is devoted to education through blog content, recipes and community involvement instead of selling product.
“Like a good neighbor, State Farm is there.” (State Farm Insurance). This tagline/jingle from 1971 (written by Barry Manilow, by the way) continues to demonstrate the power of emphasizing the experience of doing business with State Farm over the feature and benefits of different insurance policies. This line clearly communicates the feelings policyholders can expect to experience when they choose State Farm.
“The Happiest Place on Earth.” (Disneyland). While it may sometimes be difficult to see past all of the merchandise and other stuff that comes out of the Walt Disney Company, it’s hard to find a better example of a company that is devoted to living their brand than through Disneyland. Disney has specific vocabulary (park visitors are “guests,” employees are “cast members” and the waiting area for attractions are called “scene ones.”) to set them apart. They even have a whole program devoted to efficiently parking cars to make a better first impression for guests. Disneyland lives its tagline of being “the Happiest Place on Earth.”
“Just Do It” and “To Bring Inspiration and Innovation to Every Athlete in the World. If You Have a Body, You Are an Athlete.” (Nike). While Nike’s “Just Do It” tagline has become one of the world’s most well-known slogans, I thought Nike’s formal mission statement was also worth including in this post. The mission statement is a great combination of experience first (inspiration) and service (innovation). It is a clear stake in the ground that outlines internal culture in a way that is focused on customer experience.
How to Use This Information
Take a look at any taglines for your business. Do they focus on product, service or experience? Are they clear and concise? If you ask ten people what message they get from your tagline, do they get the same main idea?
If you would like to learn more about how Webolutions can help you clarify your brand with our Market Positioning Action Plan, give us a call at or contact us online today.